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Our device primary measurement is Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Oxygen Saturation in the Capillaries of the Muscle


We require some type of exercise protocol to be run in order to assess the athlete.
Measurements at rest can easily range from 40% to 80% SmO2 and provide very little useful information. The real value of this test is in seeing how the athlete’s body responds to loads and changes in loads.
These assessments allow us to identify:

• What are the optimum training intensity zones?
• Which physiologic systems are limiting performance and which are compensating?
• How fast does the athlete recover after load?
• What is the athlete’s recovery state from previous workouts?
• What is the level of mitochondrial function in the muscle?


 Our sensor utilizes cutting-edge medical device technology to produce accurate and consistent readings of Sm02 muscle oxygen levels.

We offer this Muscle Oxygen Monitor system to measure the oxygen levels of muscles in athletes while they exercise.
Its accurate, real time measurements are fundamental to athletic performance.
Oxygen is the fuel that drives the muscles, and muscle oxygen levels are constantly changing with exercise intensity.
we providethe feedback on exercise intensity that athletes are looking for.
Our technology is superior to existing measurements.


Our Muscle Oxygen Monitor provides continuous measurement, or monitoring, of the oxygen saturation (SmO²) levels in muscle tissue of athletes.
Muscle Oxygen Monitoring utilizes a technology called Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, which is often abbreviated as NIRS.
The “Near Infrared” element means that the device uses light that is at and just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.
Our testing device uses light from about 680 nm which is clearly visible, to about 800 nm, which the human eye almost doesn’t detect at all.

Near-Infrared light works well for this type of measurement because it can travel for long distances through skin, fat, and muscle without being completely absorbed. The light is scattered through the tissue rather than traveling in a straight line, which makes quantifiable measurements a bit challenging but still possible.

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